Online Registration
Workshops & Audition fees are €300 and are non-refundable.
Each participant must complete this registration form.
This event is restricted to dancers 18 yrs and over as of 3rd October 2025
Registration MUST be completed within 48 Hours of paying the Auditions Fee otherwise your registration will be VOIDED and non-refundable.
You must upload a copy of your current passport which will then be verified at registration. You cannot audition if you don’t have proof of identification.
In-Person Registration
You must be available on either Thursday 2nd October, 6pm - 9pm OR Friday 3rd October, 7am to 9:45 am to collect your wristband and audition number.
Please ensure you bring along your ID & International Audition TICKET.
If you have one, please bring along a printed copy of your dance resume to registration.
Friday 3rd October 2025 10:00am - 9:00pm (Workshops & Solos)
Saturday 4th October 2025 9:00am - 8:00pm (Workshops & Solos)
Sunday 5th October 2025 9:00am - 2:00pm
*You must bring your audition ticket with you (this confirms payment)
Auditions will be held at the Forum Sport Center Roma (Via Cornelia, 493, 00166 Roma RM, Italy)
This is an in-person event.
Successful dancers will be announced on The Royal Family Instagram and Facebook page (Date and time to be advised). You will need to arrive in New Zealand to join The Royal Family Dance Crew in January 2026 for the next 12 months.
If you are selected for any of our crews, you must understand and agree that all accommodation, financial, living and visa arrangements are taken care of by you while living in New Zealand. Your NZ visa will need to be for a minimum of 12 months.
The Palace Dance Studio is not a “registered training establishment” therefore we are unable to assist with Visa Applications. Neither are we able to provide letters of support or vouch on your behalf.
Dancers will need to prepare a 1-minute solo (strictly 1 minute only).
Music must be provided as follows:
*. Please complete and upload all documents within 48 Hours of paying the International Auditions Fee otherwise your registration will be NULL - Otherwise send your music track to the following email before September 31st 2025 to ensure we have all the correct files royalfamily@thepalacedancestudio.co.nz
Music must be edited before submitting and you cannot use your phone. All music must have no swearing, suggestive lyrics or language.